Life is indeed an irony

Its twists and turns sets the chronicles of one’s perception about life

This intend makes it credibly ironical

One doesn’t know who people really are anymore

Love is spiced with hidden hatred and hatred garnished with skeptical love

Who are we deceiving, God or our very selves?

2 Replies to “THE IRONY OF LIFE”

  1. SMiLes.. mY Friend.. Rytha Ephua..
    i find God equAlly on a desert
    a Public
    Beach so perhaps
    i can answer your question:
    ‘Who are we deceiving, God or our very selves?’
    God is our very self is the short answer with allthatis
    that is an answer bEYond words.. Humans.. Culture..
    Religions.. Science.. Information Technology..
    sure.. i missed the stone age.. the iron age..
    and the industrial age but the drift
    is the sAMe.. we are sTiLL sentient
    star DuSt pLus.. A miracle compared
    to all we see of oTher Rocks and Suns
    in SpAce.. oN A blue green brown orb
    with white colored snow splotches
    of little to no color too.. even
    with aided telescope
    eYes like Neil
    deGrasse Tyson
    and poetic words
    oF Sagan that say
    we are made of the
    unto itself..
    and like his ‘Contact’
    inspired Big screen movie
    says too.. we are here to conNect
    and i will add moVinG and creAtinG
    to What makes uS fEeL.. perHaps the beST
    Free.. with feaRless and SmARt Love as gifted
    by ouR Serpent Brain.. along with Neo-Cortical
    way of that organ as well as the limbic system that
    is capable of feeling the warm and fuzzy purrs and
    kitty biscuits of liFe back to the connection that holds
    uS toGeTher from the MoVie ‘Contact’ too.. sure.. clips
    available on YouTube for context too.. particularly..
    the one titled ‘Jodie Foster’s Mystical FliGht’..
    as i am not sure your site here accepts
    Youtube links without input
    going to spam..
    anyway.. in a way
    i am a certain man
    in that movie.. on Pensacola
    Beach foR noW @lEAst.. and i’Ve
    also come here as a poet to paint as
    big A painting as i can in words and other
    symbols oF God who continues to groW Within
    me.. as i move on to Evolve wiTh God as uP instead
    of doWn in terms of positive energy as liGht vs.. negative
    Energy as dARk.. as of course feLt in hUman EmoTioNs.. seNses
    and yes.. SeNsualiTy too.. to avoid a three letter word with SMiLes
    as trUly SeNsuaLiTy is so much more than an act for reproducing
    more hUmans in a world that is suffering overall as God lives in ALL..
    in terms of other species in all of liVinG liFe.. out of Balance with an
    Apex predator with tools of killing life in so many ways of misery and
    suffering and trUly the rest of the world has feelings and senses too..
    Karma is the doing of noW iN BaLanCinG Force as IS A greATest
    Law oF aLL NaTure/God to keep uS in Check for the fight for
    survive and Love for thrive.. so sure.. we are now
    more FeeLinG/SenSinG the pain of the rest oF
    GoD LiVinG iN NaTure noW in terms
    of out of Balance
    from what we
    are gifted
    with as
    Human Nature
    by Nature as God.. wHOle
    and farther than HUman eyes
    aided or not by tools of Technology..
    it’s reAlly easy for me to move.. and create
    mY FriEnd.. but connecting is likely getting
    harder in the flesh and blood way foR All oF
    US.. A Love that trustS in all that is..
    AKA God including God
    who liVes within as
    uS iN eYes of sAMe..
    aliVe in liFe or
    dYiNg sLoWly
    iN sHades
    of grey
    heLL on eARTh
    away from MoVing
    CoNNecTinG and CreaTing
    ways of GiVinG and ShAring
    iN Flesh and Blood Face to Face way..
    i AM strong enough and brave enough to
    dance in public everywHeRE i go.. and often..
    particularly.. on Thursday NiGht wHere i do this
    in a sociAlly acceptable place.. albeit.. not with my age
    group @56.. as ‘they’ are sitting on Mall Benches mostly
    wHeRE i live or watching Fox News and Such Trump Stuff
    as that.. but anyWay.. like in that Movie as inspired by Carl
    Sagan.. the record stands that after being a shut-in in hell
    on Earth for 66 months.. i make contact of face to face flesh and
    blood smiles and boogie down now close to three years..
    with those flesh
    and blood
    once a week..
    i have no answer
    but dance my friend..
    as far as anyone practicing
    that religion like me.. i have found
    no one yet.. who has practiced that way
    of liFe for 6000 miles in three years.. the
    PoeTry IS
    a SIDe
    oF liFe
    along with
    this sort oF New..
    A Sistine Chapel
    of 3.3. Million words
    plus.. i continue to work
    on as A painting of God in
    how i can and WiLL Communicate
    iSREaL God that awes mE so much that
    i can even forget to connect with folks like
    my wife who lives inside with me.. but hey..
    but i try
    to BE Love..
    Thanks for the inspiration..
    you are a strong woman
    who counts
    much for living liFe.. WeLL.. mY FriENd..
    NOW and i AM trULy Glad to fiND yOuR LoVe heRe..
    as God liGht
    oUrs Free..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello my dear friend katiemiafrederick, it’s great hearing from you again. Trust you are doing well. I’m doing good too. Thanks for the nice write up, it’s what I always enjoy about you.

    And yes, you are right with all that you’ve said, I appreciate your comment, I always pick something from it. Thanks for passing by one more time.


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